Adulting: How to Become a Grown-up in 468 Easy(ish) Steps - Book Review

Adulting: How to Become a Grown-up in 468 Easy(ish) Steps - Book Review

When Kelly Williams Brown wrote ‘Adulting: How to Become a Grown-up in 468 Easy(ish) Steps’, she created something that, for me, will always be a key piece of writing and advice. I was first introduced to this book by my sister, who had read it, loved it, and passed it on for me to borrow and read. After reading my sister’s copy, I bought a copy for myself and now, many years later, I consistently find myself flipping through the pages whenever I feel that I am struggling with adulthood. This book has everything, from learning basic cooking skills to navigating an embarrassing workplace situation. If you have ever felt that adulthood is an unattainable goal, this is the book for you.

‘Adulting’ is the perfect combination of witty remarks and sensible advice. My favorite aspect of the content and tone of this book is that there is no judgment, no feeling that if you are unaware of how to dress for an interview, or maintain a clean home, that you have somehow failed at being an adult because of this. Kelly’s voice comes across clear and bright as a best friend sitting next to you and gently telling you that life can be easier, but that there is nothing wrong with where you might currently be with your adulting skills. This book is the best friend we all need and deserve.

Kelly has recently released a second edition of ‘Adulting’ that includes a new foreword and even more advice to help you sort out the often complicated world of adulthood. This updated edition is at the top of my reading list, and whichever edition you can find, I absolutely recommend getting a copy of this book immediately, so you can enjoy and learn from one of the most influential advice compilation books of our time.

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