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Beringer Merlot - Wine Review

Beringer is one of those brands that I have been seeing fill the shelves of the wine shop since I started drinking wine. It is a brand that is well known for being consistent in flavor and in cost, so when I saw this 2018 Founder’s Estate California Merlot I knew it would be a good choice. The more Merlot I drink, the more I like it, and this wine is definitely on my list of Merlot wines that I will enjoy over and over again. While I am writing this, I have already purchased my second bottle.

This wine is a deep blood red with a slight hint of cherry coloring around the edge. The scent is musty and earthy, with a certain burn which is a fine accent to any bold Merlot. Upon tasting, this wine slips smoothly over the tongue, leaving a pleasant burn which gets more and more bold as the aftertaste develops.

I don’t always agree with the description that is given on the back of the wine bottle, but in this case, I completely agree that this is a ‘full-bodied wine with blackberries, plum, and toasted spice flavors’. This wine is quite an intense treat, for quite a nice price. If this is any indication of the quality of Beringer wines, then I know I have quite a fun adventure ahead of me in trying more from this brand.