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Left Coast Estate White Pinot Noir - Wine Review

As you can tell from my previous reviews, I am a big fan of red wines, but as the weather is warming up here in Alaska, I thought it was high time I reviewed a white wine, and this White Pinot Noir from Left Coast Estate is one of my absolute favorites. When I first saw this wine a few years ago, I was slightly hesitant to try it, because I didn’t see how a white wine would be able to encompass the rich flavor of a Pinot Noir. After trying it, I realized that this wine is the perfect example of a white wine having all the body of a Pinot, without sacrificing any of the bright, crisp flavor of a classic white wine. If you like white wine, Pinot Noir, or both, I highly recommend trying this wine and giving your taste buds an unexpected treat.

Beginning the tasting with a glance, this wine has a lovely golden yellow hue. The scent is quite intense, reminding me of slightly overripe peaches. It also has bright floral tones, which I have come to expect from many white wines. Tasting this wine brings a rush of flavors into the mouth. It is both sweet and acidic, leaving a pleasant mineral feel on the tongue.

Overall, this wine is the perfect combination of my favorite parts of Pinot Noir and white wine, it is both rich and bright, without compromising flavor on either side. I have come to expect good things from Left Coast Estate and this wine is one that I plan to enjoy many times in the future. If you, like me, are at first unsure of this White Pinot Noir, let me assure you, it is an absolute treasure, and will certainly open your eyes about what a white wine has the potential to be.