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Nocturnes - Book Review

If you’re interested in stories that will chill you to the bone, I highly recommend picking up a copy of ‘Nocturnes’ by John Connolly. Connolly is established as a writer of eerie fiction, and ‘Nocturnes’ is an exceptional collection of short stories that will keep you up at night.

I can be rather squeamish with anything bordering the horror genre, and ‘Nocturnes’ did at times give me some unsettling dreams, but I couldn’t stop reading, even when I was so scared I could barely breathe. Connolly is just that amazing. Each of these short stories hooked me, and I had to know how they ended, even if it wasn’t going to be a happy ending. In reading these stories, I experienced the same sort of fear that I get when I read Stephen King, that feeling that even though I am scared, I have to know what happens next.

I have read other books from Connolly as well, and from everything of his that I have read, I have to say, he is simply an amazing writer. If you read these stories, you will be shocked, afraid, and disturbed at times, but I guarantee, you will come out of it absolutely in awe of Connolly’s ability to create such incredibly vivid worlds within these pages.