Wine With WordsWard

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Somm - Film Review

Somm, a documentary following the stories of four sommeliers as they attempt to pass the Master Sommelier exam, is a film that I have been wanting to watch for quite some time, so yesterday, I poured myself a glass of wine and sat down to enjoy the film. I wasn’t entirely sure what to expect at the beginning, and by the end, I was absolutely blown away. I knew that the Master Sommelier exam was difficult, but watching these people, who know so much about wine, still struggle with the training and testing, was a real eye opener. I didn’t realize how much I didn’t know about wine until I watched this film.

Following the lives of these people as they studied for the exam was absolutely riveting, as I learned how much I do not know about wine, and how many techniques there are in tasting that I was unaware of. This film has inspired me to learn more about tasting, and hopefully be able to more effectively describe and categorize wine as I taste it. This film beautifully depicted the balance between passion and discipline that goes into learning about wine and preparing to prove yourself worthy of the title of Master Sommelier.

I am looking forward to watching more films in the Somm series, and learning even more about the world of wine. If you are passionate about wine, and would like to learn even more about it, I highly recommend watching this film. Watching these people throughout the course of the film showed me that although there is much to learn about wine, if wine is your passion, all of the hard work is worth it.