Jacob's Creek Cabernet Sauvignon - Wine Review Blurb

Jacob's Creek Cabernet Sauvignon - Wine Review Blurb

When I first spotted Jacob’s Creek wines, their Cab was on sale at Brown Jug for a great price, and I figured you can’t go wrong with an Australian wine that barely makes a mark on your bank account. After my first sip, I knew I had found an absolute treasure. My first tasting of this wine was a year or so ago now, and I have been buying it on a fairly regular basis ever since. If you’re a fan of Cab, you definitely need to buy a bottle of this wine as soon as possible.

This 2018 Cabernet Sauvignon greets the eye with a deep, bold red, with only the slightest brightness around the edges. The scent is sweet and plummy, with a slight burn. The taste is extremely rich and decadent, bordering on a dessert wine. It leaves the tongue feeling pleasantly dry, and goes straight to my head. If you’re looking for a rich, satisfying Cab that will leave you feeling full after only a few sips, this is the wine for you.

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