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Josh Cellars Cabernet Sauvignon - Wine Review Blurb

Several years ago, some cousins of mine that I enjoy connecting with over a bottle of wine told me that they were big fans of Josh Cellars, so when I saw this bottle on the shelf at the wine shop, I thought of them and decided to give it a try in remembrance of all our times enjoying wine together. After tasting this wine, I definitely agree with my cousins that Josh Cellars is an excellent brand, one which I am looking forward to trying more wines from.

The coloring of this Cab is a soft and pleasant cherry red with cheerfully light red around the edges. The scent is at once bright, sweet, and fruity, with oaky notes and a cherry tartness. The first sip brings a partnering of sweet and smooth flavoring, along with a surprising bite to it, reminding me of fresh strawberries. Overall, this is a very solid Cab, settling right in the middle of what I have come to expect from Cabernet.