Bordeaux de Gloria - Wine Review

Bordeaux de Gloria - Wine Review

This 2016 Bordeaux de Gloria from Chateau Gloria is the first wine with Bordeaux in the name that I have ever purchased, and I was very excited to add this to my list of wines that I have tasted.

This wine has intense legs and a beautifully deep red color, brightening to a slightly cherry color around the edge, with that same brightening showing up throughout the glass as the wine moves in the swirl step of the tasting. The scent is incredibly potent, reminding me of rich fruits, with gently consistent oaky tones, and a light touch of old leather, like a leather bound book that has been lovingly kept in a home library for many years.

The flavor of this wine is bold, but exceptionally smooth on the tongue, and, unexpectedly, slightly acidic. The wine leaves an earthy, sedimentary feel on the tongue, and within moments of taking a few sips I can feel this wine going straight to my head. It is an excellent combination of strong and smooth, and for my first encounter with a Bordeaux, I am extremely pleased with this wine. I look forward to trying more wines from the region, and I highly recommend that you give this wine a try. If you have personal recommendations of good Bordeaux wines, please let me know in the comment section, or through the email found in the contact page, so I can try out some of your favorites, and feature those recommendations in their own reviews.

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