Tivo Primitivo - Wine Review

Tivo Primitivo - Wine Review

I have a deep respect for Italian wines, but I do not have a lot of personal experience with them. I decided to begin my journey into Italian wines with this Tivo Primitivo 2015 red wine. I was searching through the Italian section of the wine shop and when I saw the adorable owl artwork on this bottle I knew it would be a good place to start. After tasting it, this wine has left me wanting to explore more Italian wines and learn how to truly appreciate them.

At first glance, this wine is a deep red bordering on a rusty brown. It has only a slight brightening around the edges. The scent is quite rich, it gives off a slight burn in the same way that a strong liquor seems to singe the nose a bit. It is slightly musty, almost like a wine that has been sitting in a dusty cellar for a long time. The scent is also sweet, reminding me of plums, or some red fruit that is slightly overripe. This diverse bouquet leads into a wine that tastes pleasantly sweet and mild, but also a bit dry and bold. This wine is heavy in sediment which leads to a thick feeling left behind on the tongue.

I found this wine to be quite the ideal red, it would be the perfect wine to try if you are easing your way into Italian wine. It seems quite adaptable, and left me both intrigued and satisfied. I am looking forward to leaning even more into Italian wines, and I think this wine was indeed the perfect place to start.

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