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Angeline Pinot Noir - Wine Review

The Angeline Reserve Pinot Noir has been my favorite wine for several years now. I first tasted it while out to dinner in Homer, Alaska, and from the first sip, I knew that I had found a wine I would be drinking for the rest of my life. It is unlike any Pinot Noir I have ever tasted before, and truly, like any wine I have had before. Before tasting this wine, I had already started to lean towards Pinot Noir as my favorite wine, but this changed my perspective entirely. With everything I had tried before this wine, I had always been able to classify a wine very neatly into the box of whatever it was labeled as, but this Angeline Pinot Noir completely changed my idea of what a wine could be.

At first glance, this Pinot is somehow both light and dark in color, sometimes reflecting a bright red, and at other times showing a great depth of color. This first view of the wine is a great predictor of the unique combination of flavors that is to come. The aroma of this wine is rich, with an interesting, moderately acidic tone. This wine holds more and more surprises with every step forward in the tasting process.

The first sip of this wine confirms that it is a rather controversial Pinot Noir. It borders on being too acidic, but the richness of the flavor manages to balance it into a fine wine, definitely a stand alone variety of Pinot. It’s dry, but not in the way that Merlot is dry. Even after drinking this wine for several years now, I find it difficult to describe exactly what makes this wine so spectacular.

I absolutely recommend trying this wine, even if Pinot Noir is something new for you. Definitely be aware that this wine will catch your taste buds by surprise and at first, you might think that this wine is a bit too sharp for your taste, especially if you lean towards sweeter or softer wines, but if you give it a chance, I think you will find, as I have, that this multi-faceted wine is absolutely extraordinary.