Clos du Bois Cabernet Sauvignon - Wine Review

Clos du Bois Cabernet Sauvignon - Wine Review

This 2015 Clos du Bois Sonoma Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon from the Alexander Valley was quite a treat. I spotted it as I was browsing the wine selection at Costco and thought I would treat myself to a wine that felt at once familiar and fancy. I am always happy to drink a Cabernet Sauvignon, and this rich, pleasantly musty wine is now on my list of wines I will joyfully drink again and again.

At first glance, this wine is an exceptionally deep red, only barely brightening at the edges. It has strong legs, and a rich bouquet which is a tantalizing hint of the flavor to come. It has an earthy tannin to it, and a refreshing touch of crushed blackberries. The flavor is just as delightful as the scent, it reaches the senses as quickly as whiskey, and is intensely dry, but still full flavored. I catch a hint of cherry in this wine that is both smooth and bold. This wine is high in sediment, which adds a delectable level of richness to the already heady flavor.

This wine is definitely a fine example of a full-bodied Cabernet Sauvignon, and if you are looking for a dessert in a glass, I highly recommend giving this treat from Clos du Bois in Sonoma County a try next time you pick up some wine.

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